FTI Consulting

Brand + location-specific film provides safety, client security and inspiration.


We believe we've accomplished something when a design firm understands and trusts our capabilities, like this project for FTI Consulting’s recently built out office space in Brentwood.

FTI Consulting is an independent global business advisory firm with more than 4900 employees in 27 countries and 6 continents.

when a project starts with a client’s idea…

We follow it through or handle it - all the way to completion, It’s makes Showdog unique, and our process truly turnkey.

In this case, the client understood the need to include film with the demountable glass wall system being installed. By creating and budgeting an appropriate scope for custom film, Showdog crafted a plan to achieve goals for FTI and the project, including:

  • A suitable level of privacy for private offices…

  • Additional privacy in conference spaces in order to protect sensitive information being shared with in conversation or on monitor screens…

  • Team member safety, as glass wall systems without film almost always lead to collisions and injuries…

  • An inspiring visual element that brings the overall space to life

Our collaborative process, described below, led to checking the boxes for a successful project. 

  • Day 1 - Collected inspiration materials in a meeting with project architect & design team at Sorci & Swords.

  • Showdog’s creative lead provides a concept proof for review and comment.

  • Created control samples of digitally printed 3M film with design elements to be used on the project for architect and client approval.

  • Field measured all locations where film will be installed and confirmed install plan with client’s rep - Colliers International

  • Completed all digital print production of 3M 8150 film..100% in house.

  • All film designs installed by Showdog's install team.

  • Day 25 - The idea to install film project was inspected, approved, and successfully completed, on time, on budget.



”Thank you so much for the hard work in helping to make the project successful.”
- FTI Consulting

“Terry did a wonderful job, Let’s set up a call later this week to talk about other projects,”
-Colliers International

Project/Client: FTI Consulting
Designer: Sorci & Swords
CRE contact: Colliers International